If you are a current patient of JU School of Orthodontics, you may contact your doctor or your patient representative directly.
You can find your doctor below or call 904-256-7846 to reach a patient representative or send an email to OrthoFD@ju.edu.
Fatimah Aldajani, BDS
Abdullah Abomelha, BDS
Sami Alsharani, BDS
Lina Alhuroub, DMD
Bushra Alkhen, BDS
Saja AlQudah, DDS
Maribel Alvarez, DMD
Abdullah Alzahrani, BDS
Andrew Berhold, DMD
Faris M. Bin Homran, BDS
Hassan Bukhari, BDS
Brittany Byrne, DMD
Andreea Cosma, DMD
Christoffer Devantier, DMD
Mohammed Elwir, BDS
Bayan Fares, BDS
Carolina Garcia, DMD
William Harris, DDS
Tyler Huntsman, DDS
Shreya Iyengar, BDS
Stephanie Labib Awad, DMD
Ana Lopez, DMD
Matthew Lopez, DDS
Marioli Luciano, DMD
Hedya McCartney, BDS
Diaa Monaem, BDS
Elaina Montaleone, DMD
Alfina Nagori, BDS
Lucia Najera Bonilla, DMD
Vu-Anh William Nguyen, DMD
Sami Oueis, DDS
Shawn M. Perry, DDS
Sophia Rappaport, DMD
Juan Reyes, DMD
Spenser Ryan, DDS
Shefali Savarirayan, DMD
Khushbu Shah, DDS, BDS
Nesrin Tulimat, DDS
Bethany Wolpin, DDS
Tyler Zulauf, DDS
Other contacts
New Patients: (904) 256-7970
Insurance questions: Chinea at cfrazie1@ju.edu or (904) 256-7858
Collections: Paula at palexan@ju.edu or (904) 256-7854
Online Account Questions: Barbara at btucker2@ju.edu or (904) 256-7530
Questions for your doctor and any other inquiries can be sent to orthoinfo@ju.edu or the main phone at (904) 256-7846.