If you need more information or would like to set-up a free screening and meet with our doctors, please call us at (904) 256-7970 or contact a new patient representative below.
If the patient’s last name begins with, call:
A – L: Barbara, bpalm@ju.edu, Phone (904) 256-7723
M – Z: Please contact: Anita, avander@ju.edu, Phone (904) 256-7809
Other departments:
Insurance: Chinea, cfrazie1@ju.edu, (904) 256-7858
Collections: Sharon, sfrazie@ju.edu, (904) 256-7857
Online Account Problems: Barbara, btucker2@ju.edu, (904) 256-7530
Any others can go to orthoinfo@ju.edu or main phone (904) 256-7846